green goddess

Arum lily

Illumed by harsh department store neons, ladies circumambulate the latest fashions, meanwhile, beyond, under an oyster-white sky, in large planters amid spicy nasturtiums, stand arum lilies with green-white spathes.

Arum lily

Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Green Goddess’

Arum lily


  1. That must be heaven, where this Goddess dwells….


    • Heaven on Devil’s Isles? Maybe yes, maybe no (as you weigh the arguments, pro and contra, and ascertain the virid veracity of the facts, notice, keenly, that the spathes seem to be verdantly alight).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The choice, it seems, is between the circumambulating ladies in gassy green light who likely don’t know the difference between spandex and spadix, but do know that ‘Alight’ is a brand of plus-size women’s clothing—that, and an island, any island, in my book. Without meaning to sound callous (or callas, as those ladies would likely have it) I think I would have a devil of a better time should I alight among green goddesses and spicy nasturtiums.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Botanic puns for the 21st Century? Or should it be Satanic puns, as we toil, cybernetically, in the new dark Satanic Mills? (He invokes Blake and the evil of facebook, and the discussion returns to poetry, even though it is tempting to now broach the spellbinding subject of plus-size women’s clothing)

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am always most happy to return to poetry, or to prosoodic fioriture. At the moment I am struck dumb by the image of Blake vis à vis Facebook….

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      • You have been struck dumb, which is to say enthralled, quite devilishly, by the svengali of Devil’s Isles, who has a soft spot for social media (and here I’m thinking pustule or some sort of perirectal abscess ).

        And Blake, as a topic, seems to have moved away (perhaps to Jerusalem).

        Liked by 1 person

  3. A goddess indeed… I love the image you create of these goddess-like lilies amid the circumambulating ladies and spicy nasturtiums.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. the Blake vs. Facebook image has prompted me to contribute to this (delightful but alas, from a certain perspective saddening) discussion by quoting from an article i was reading the other day:

    ‘Pop culture has disengaged our brains and arrested our development. Our cinemas are dominated by CGI spectacle, Pixar cartoon cutesyness and boring blockbuster sequels. Our restaurants are all artisan burgers, pop-up hotdogs and faux-ironic fried chicken. Our wardrobes overflow with hoodies, onesies, logo Ts and other outsized toddler-wear. Our Facebook feeds are all “yay!” this, “nom!” that..[turning us into] overgrown kids, obsessed with comic books, computer games, fast food and lazy nostalgia. The daydreams of our 1980s and 1990s childhoods have become a 21st-century reality.’

    –M. Hogan, The Guardian

    yet as long there is a distant island (real or imaginary), a magician and a green goddess – maybe not all is lost?


    • Thank you, dearest Roxana. As you know I am fascinated by and in illimitable awe of your knowledge of eight–yes, you read that correctly, eight–languages (in contrast I know two, one of which in my hands is as stable as a two-legged stool and the other an outright catastrophe) but it is your analytic mind, as particularly applied to sociology, that really impresses. I also knew that Blake would get you out of your shell, as you are a poet too (it doesn’t seem fair that a polyglot, a monumental achievement by any standard, should also possess Orphean talents). Did I mention photographer extraordinaire too? I won’t go on: just thinking of this litany of achievements exhausts me.

      Faux-ironic fried chicken! But what really frightens me is mob mentality (irrespective of the sartorial merit of the squawky participants). An original voice is a lonely voice. Anything that short-circuits careful consideration in favor of convenience (how easy is it to ‘like’ something? too easy) is a step in the wrong direction.

      Imagine going into an endless library, a place of endless knowledge, but confining yourself to the ‘most entertaining’ aisle. Alas, we limit ourselves. And to think you missed a most eloquent and concise 140 word epiphany because it was hidden in a plain book somewhere on the third balcony. But twitter remains firmly on the ground floor in the ‘most entertaining’ aisle, and has conscientiously raised the stakes too–not only shall we drop epiphanies altogether, we propose to constrain the mundane to 140 characters.


  5. la grâce des Arums élancés avec leur coeur jaune


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