Adenium socotranum

DSC_5038_coh(assiduously tended to by Miranda, who frankly has nothing better to do than to sleep or tend to the garden)

strange, distant planets


If it pleases you, you may travel to strange, distant planets, but for me this vernal planet (a babe swaddled in a comfortless bed of lush greenery, within easy earshot of beatific brooks) is sufficiently strange, and though a short sojourn to Venus is always a great, celestial temptation, life there, if you will pardon the dead metaphor, is no bed of roses either.

(Apologies to Christopher Marlowe–an apology that is both offered and demanded: offered to Christopher Marlowe, for using his bed of roses phrase; and concomitantly demanded of him for having come up with it in the first instance!)

Dionaea muscipula