Ariel listens to …


This is Ariel’s favorite piece of music (if you choose to exclude the entire Motörhead oeuvre, of course).

I play for her, she yawns.

Still, she listens and that’s so polite.

Click here to listen (the changes are from the beloved Pachelbel Canon)…

N.B. Ariel may have been thinking ‘cannon’ (as in the artillery piece), and that’s certainly in keeping with her heavy metal bias. And who can blame her; English is tricky, with so many persnickety words (words such as persnickety!)–canon with one ‘n’ or two: my motor head swirls. This distinction is too tough for a little dog. And also, in the murky world of canine semantics, umlauted letters are frowned upon, particularly when they are of dubious provenance and misappropriated by ill-shaven individuals.

Prospero, is ill-shaven a euphemism for ill-bred? Ed. (Don’t you hate it when a blog author poses his own questions? And don’t you hate it when a blog author invents fictitious editors, or fictitious anything for that matter?)

What perspicacity, Herr editor! Euphonism/Euphemism…see what I mean? Isn’t it time to revamp the entire English language?


  1. Thank you for a lovely little interlude this warm afternoon….(my own dog always comes to lie nearby when I play the piano. I wonder….can what she hears be called music?)


    • If you mean can Motörhead be called music, I say, quite unapologetically, no. But this isn’t what you mean. Ariel is a wonderdog and fictionally loves Motörhead, but in truth she loves Beethoven. When presented with the 7th Symphony, let’s say, she recognizes its inherent beauty, but when subjected to the cacophony of music manufactured solely (soulessly) for the inchoate teenage brain, she balks.

      Nice to talk to you again, Cynthia. How long have you been studying the piano?


      • Since the age of ten, give or take a hiatus here and there for various reasons. I was poorly taught, and though I can play Chopin, Mozart, Bach, and the rest, my knowledge always felt stupid, and by rote. However, I am seventy, now, and find a funny, inexplicable thing happening…these days I seem to improvise and play by ear or some other, if you hum me a few bars, (whether Mozart or Cole Porter) I can fake it quite presentably despite years of lessons! And yes, it’s nice to talk to you again, too.


  2. i am listening to your wonderful music while i am working on my paper (after recovering from an “umlauted” laughter attack 🙂


    • But, as you know, the French trema is also a nice way to spice up scholarly papers–and best used at random, for that pseudo-scholarly look. But I am assuming you mean that sort of paper. Yet perhaps you are making origami geese with your lavender-scented paper. Still, the occasional umlaut or trema can’t hurt, even on downy goose wings.

      How we migrated from Motörhead to goose wings I’ll never know. Do you see how the fall into madness can be so easily achieved?


  3. je trouve ta musique si belle que j’en ai la chair de poule !! Motörhead, risque de nuire à la petite Ariel, mais Pachelbels canon
    on l’écoute sans modération !
    merci pour ce joli moment et ton humour !


    • Bonjour, Marty.

      Même Motörhead démontre des moments bénéfiques, je suppose…


  4. So nice to see you again Ariel’s Prospero! What beautiful music to greet me this morning – Ariel has good taste.


    • Hi Mary!

      It would be very hard for me to image a world without music (as I assume you would be incapable of contemplating a world without color). Even Motörhead–after a period of prolonged silence–would sound less irritating. But the only way this could truly work is if the duration of the silence were expressed in centuries, say six or seven, as anything shorter would almost certainly spoil the effect.

      Thanks for not giving up on my little blog! Sometimes it’s very quiet over here.


      • Hi Prospero – glad to see you posting again and it takes a lot for me to give up on my blogging friends.

        Was hoping you would share a few lovely photographs of your gardens this summer because your island flowers lets us dream of warm ocean breezes and a “quieter” time.

        And, what of your writing? You really teased us and then no more?

        Ariel is precious as ever ~


  5. That is gorgeous music, Prospero. It goes perfectly with the early morning birdsong that just started outside my window. I understand why Ariel is taken with your music…


    • Thank you, Karen.

      But i must say that Ariel’s strategy of waking me up pre-dawn is probably just a ruse to get me to hear the first authentic melodies of the day.


  6. I try to picture my blogger friends in their various environments. I have formed quite a romantic picture of you, full of such music, a big, black shiny piano in a room where ocean breezes billow long, soft white sheer curtains and carry the exotic perfumes in from your garden. And come to think of it, Ariel does have a little of the look of Nikki Sixx, but certainly, no Lemmy 🙂


    • Naturally one’s imagination may lead one astray. But the good thing about toy pianos is that they hardly ever need tuning-—in fact they get their invidious charm from being permanently out of tune. And whereas some may say that having a single octave is limiting and that kaleidoscope-colored keys, in meretricious greens and slatternly reds, are somewhat inauthentic, I find I like the sorry tintinnabulation it struggles to produce—as it is reminiscent of the distended caterwaul of yet another umlaut-inflicted motley crew [sic] I love to hate.

      Did you ever try to play Kickstart My Heart on a plastic instrument designed for toddlers and assembled carelessly by said toddlers in some forlorn labor camp? It sounds pretty good! An improvement on the original I dare say.


  7. I love the fictitious! I think it’s called creativity;)


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