
This blog is from the fragile mind of a contumacious duke living in exile on the Isle of Devils, a tiny dot in an ocean of palimpsests and other reading material.


  1. I think your images are beautiful, so I nominated you and your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. (I posted the requirements on my blog just in case you feel like going for it – http://www.oilpastelsbymary.com)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mary, i am so pleased that you find my blog inspiring. i am honored and humbled by the nomination.


      • Mary, you’re a wonderful artist and blogger. Moreover, you have good taste–this is a cool blog.


  2. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking one of my posts. I look forward to browsing through your posts and seeing some beautiful captures. Hope to share more with you in the future.


  3. I truly enjoy your writing, photography, and beloved Ariel. I get much pleasure in reading your blog. I want others to enjoy the same experience. I’ve nominated you for the Shine On Award. Congratulations, you can see the details here http://oilpastelsbymary.com/2013/01/16/shine-on-award/


    • Oh, Mary. Thank you for your continued support! You make it all worth while…


  4. Just to let you know I have nominated your unique blog for the Reader Appreciation Award. Thanks for a great blog!


    • Thank you, Rachael.


      • That’s very kind of you. Thank you.


  5. Prospero! I love your Fallen Angel post. That image is so cinematic and powerful. Like something really wild just happened or is about to happen.

    However, I don’t seem to be able to leave comments on your recent posts. It appears I can only comment on posts that have at least 1 comment already. The last 2 posts, when I hit Comment, no comment form appears. Either I’m missing something or something is broken on your blog. Maybe others have hit the same snag?


    • Sorry for the confusion Stickup, but closing the comments was deliberate (a deliberate, non-hostile act). Not very social media friendly, is it? I only follow a small number of blogs, yours being one of them, as I am not of late enamored with social media.

      Naturally I will continue to follow your magnificent photo-blog and I encourage others to do the same:


      And you are always welcome to post your thoughts in the About section—regarding one of my posts or anything else on your mind (and I mean that sincerely).

      I know I am being difficult, but this seems to be the only way forward for this blog (at this time).


  6. I hear you Prospero. Thanks for the clarity and the invitation to stay in touch in this section.


  7. I sip my tea and read your thoughts….so many things are familiar …least of them being a fondness for a diner table surrounded by imaginary friends …a self imposed exile from the book of faces….a fondness for frangipani ….allow me to percolate my thoughts and mayhaps I shall speak a lil more?


  8. Hi
    Your images are so beautiful.I have been looking for blogs of other artists and so happy I found yours. Thank you for the follow ! I look forward to follow you. Warm Greetings form Magny


  9. Love your use of our beautiful language and your photos are stunning! Thank you for visiting my blog and for the likes and follow. Great to have you aboard! 🙂


  10. “Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world.”

    Great images.

    You are a triple-threat blogger: the name Prospero, Marie Antoinette lore, puppy dog tales. I will follow you forever.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. […] exiledprospero […]


  12. Just to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award. Hope you can accept, but will understand perfectly if you must decline. I can’t tell whether you are an award Free blog, Prospero. Apologies, if you are! Millie

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Millie! That is so sweet of you. But this is an unadvertized award-free blog (how clever!). But, just to compensate, I will award you, extemporaneously (and keep this in mind when you get to the letter E), the Ariel Award, to be sought after in many quarters after its maiden voyage, for sheer sweetness.

      Liked by 2 people

      • The Ariel Award sounds like a wonderful idea. A kind of ‘spiritual’ award for sweetness. How lovely. 😀 I’ll keep your nice ‘e’ word in mind for next time around. I’d already guessed you were an award-free blog …unadvertized or not, so no problem there.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I suppose you got the impression that this was an award-free blog from the adjective ‘contumacious’ in my short biography. Luckily there’s Ariel who, with a touch of sweetness, evens me out.


      • Contumacious … another excellent word, Prospero. I love its meaning, and yes, I’m sure sweet Ariel keeps your rebellious streak in check. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m so glad you found my blog, thanks for following Jean’s Writing.


  14. Prospero, I tried to enter a comment about your recent Vegas post. The site would not take it. Love it nonetheless!–catherine


    • Sorry about that, Catherine. Sometimes wordpress has a mind of its own. Maybe it doesn’t care for unstinted gambling or forty foot effigies of Elvis. Who knows?

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for stopping by to like Eaten Alive. I like your scribblings as well.


  16. Hi! Thanks for the like! Very nifty blog. Now, excuse me while I go and dig a little deeper into your material . . . 🙂


  17. HI

    Thank you so much for finding my blog and liking a post, hope you come back again soon


  18. Thanks for saying hello the other day. I wrote you a rambling reply, deleted it, naturally – just to say it’s been on my mind, I have been thinking all different kinds of farms 🙂

    See you


    • No worries. I wrote you a long dissertation on free indirect discourse in Jane Austin and the grim future of the Cavendish banana, only to delete it in disgust (a blackened, moldy mess).

      Liked by 2 people

      • I have no idea why the comments here appear on my email, but I have thoroughly enjoyed them, as well as your response to them.


      • I think there’s a good explanation for the anomaly of you receiving notifications of this sort, but I don’t know what it is. I think it has something to do with the conditions present just before or after the big bang. Still, I’m glad you enjoy the banter. Alas, the really interesting stuff is, as usual, deleted. But where would we be if we said everything that popped into our heads? There’s no mystery in that.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m always happy to hear from or about you, one way or another…

        Liked by 1 person

  19. My cat died two weeks ago. Today, by a strange quirk of fate, my dog had to be put down. I am too gut-punched to make decent comments on your latest brilliance, but just wanted you to know it’s not that I have unfollowed or unfriended you. It’s just one of life’s turns in the slough of despond, on my part.


    • Oh, Cynthia, I am so sorry.

      You must know how much I loved my Angelina. Losing her was terrible. I’m still not over it.

      I find that losing pets gets harder and harder as one ages. Maybe you find that too.

      I know why we do it to ourselves though–they give us so much.

      Still, I feel your pain. You’ll get over it, but you will no doubt have lost a little piece of yourself–and I’m sad about that.

      Liked by 2 people

  20. It does seem to get harder, doesn’t it… I know you understand. At the moment all I’m feeling is how alone it is, without the dog. Thank you, Prospero.


    • Grief is such a personal thing, and everyone must come to grips with it in their own way.

      But I shudder at the thought of you feeling alone.

      However, I’m with you in spirit, and you may count on that, dear Cynthia.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. That does make a difference, my wise friend.

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  22. Apart from my own irrefragable excesses, you are the only blogger I’ve so far come across to use the, in my case self-descriptive, term ‘contumacious’. This warrants what they – yes, ‘they’ again, for it is them – irritatingly term a ‘follow’ so as to enubilate what little appears just here in your about-ness, though in the hope that what follows demonstrates no logorrhea. Are you able to set my mind at rest?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Are you able to set my mind at rest?


      There’s no sense in giving up the telltale details which may lead to one’s arrest.

      Liked by 2 people

  23. I have no other way to contact you (can’t find an email or a Facebook page) so I am writing here. I apologize if it isn’t in the correct location.

    I read you flash fiction piece, “Are You Crazy?” and absolutely love it! I am a publisher of an art zine in Connecticut and would love to include the short story (as well as any social media / blog links that you would like me to) in my next issue. If you could contact me to give (or not give) permission for me to print that would be great. Love your work and I will continue to read on! 🙂


    – Jason

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I have no idea why I have never left a praise-worthy comment here before. Perhaps I am merely one of the drunken sailors on Prospero’s Island and feel unworthy of saying something wise. Having said that humble preface, I’d just like to say I think your blog is terrific – although I haven’t seen much from you of late. Is it me, or has there in fact been a dearth of stuff?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The dearth is real. It isn’t the same without Cynthia. But you feel that as deeply as I do, Bruce.

      Then there’s the tumescent feeling that the growth which I refer to as global fascism is slowly suffocating us. Nevertheless, we drunken sailors must persist in navigating ourselves to safe shores.

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      • It’s really rather funny, how a little old lady who can have affected so many people. I had continued to send her emails, unaware she had died (but aware she was dying), telling her about important things such as my model train set. She had sent me a book of poems by William Stafford for my birthday – which I received after she had died. I think it was the care she took with her responses to people’s postings that was her secret…


  25. Everybody misses you P. Where are you, daddy? Esme was in tears about you,and also I want you to like me so I can come to the farm and keep it, love love x

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Am sending this note in the hope you are well even though mute. I’m doing ok. Knew you’d be interested!


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