strange, distant planets


If it pleases you, you may travel to strange, distant planets, but for me this vernal planet (a babe swaddled in a comfortless bed of lush greenery, within easy earshot of beatific brooks) is sufficiently strange, and though a short sojourn to Venus is always a great, celestial temptation, life there, if you will pardon the dead metaphor, is no bed of roses either.

(Apologies to Christopher Marlowe–an apology that is both offered and demanded: offered to Christopher Marlowe, for using his bed of roses phrase; and concomitantly demanded of him for having come up with it in the first instance!)

Dionaea muscipula


  1. A trip to Venus is an insect’s true nightmare!


  2. What a beautiful, lush photograph. Butterfly-ish but somewhat ominous.


  3. un petit tour dans ton jardin magique en essayant
    de ne pas se faire dévorer par des plantes !


  4. I haven’t any idea where your posts have been going, but definitely not in my Reader. I followed again, lets hope this works.

    Look at this little beauty – might not be heaven for insects, but it definitely a star for the camera. Love the colors, nearly compliment to each other, making it so attractive.


  5. this is one of the best and wittiest texts i have seen in a post in years! and i mean, including those in Poland!!! 🙂


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